The Plumas National Forest, working together with The Feather River Resource Conservation District, are proposing community wildfire protection and forest resilience treatments on 8,987 acres of the Plumas National Forest directly north of the community of Quincy in Plumas County, California. The project area falls within the wildland urban interface (WUI)– 64 acres in WUI Urban Core, 6,516 acres in WUI Defense Zone, and 2,407 acres in WUI Threat Zone. The project surrounds several pieces of critical infrastructure including Feather River College, Mt. Hough Ranger Station, American Valley Airport, transmission lines, Burlington Northern Railway, recreational trail systems, and approximately two miles of the State Highway 70 corridor. The project is supported in part by a wildfire resiliency planning grant provided by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy through the Regional Forests and Fire Capacity Program. The project borders American Valley and the community of Quincy on the north and the communities of Butterfly Valley and Keddie on the south. The project extends from Snake Lake on the west to the intersection of State Highway 70 and Chandler Road on the east.